Importing eSign Templates and Modifying Email Notifications

Email notifications are event based emails sent to the signatories or the sender to inform the status of documents.

Your eSign account comes with a set of default email designs that are configured for sending emails to the appropriate parties based on the events in the signing process. For example, there is an email design that requests your client provide a signature and another email design to inform the sender that the documents have been signed.

In your eSign account, navigate to Administration > Notifications > Email to display a list of email designs. The default email designs cannot be changed. To customize emails, make a copy of the appropriate default email design, and then click Edit to make modifications. You can customize the text in the emails per your firm’s standards, add branding, or create additional notifications relevant to the type of document you are sending.

Modifying Email Designs

Modifying email designs is a three-step process.

  1. Import templates.
  2. Edit email designs.
  3. Associate custom templates to the appropriate return type in CCH Axcess using Firm > Settings and defaults.

Importing Templates

CCH provides templates as starting points for customizing your email notifications. The following templates can be downloaded from the CCH Support site:

  • Single.adt. Used when sending single returns from Tax.
  • Joint.adt. Used when sending joint returns from Tax.

Perform the following steps to import the templates:

  1. In your eSign account, click the Templates tab.
  1. Click New.
  1. Select Import Template from a Template Export File.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select the appropriate .adt file.
  4. Rename the template.
  5. Select Account and Child Accounts from the Accessibility list.
  6. Complete the process by clicking Next on each of the screens.
  7. Warning! Do not change any settings during this process.

  8. Click Finish to complete the import.

Editing Email Designs

After you import templates, navigate to Administration > Notifications > Email and click Edit to open the email design. Save your edits.

Associating Custom Templates to Return Types

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
  2. Click eSign on the Firm navigation panel.
  3. Select a custom template for the return type from a list in the grid, and then click OK.

Warning! Your custom template must be set up with Account and Child Account accessibility for the custom template to be available in Firm settings and defaults.